

I år 2003 blev Becksöndergaard grundlagt af Anna Søndergaard og Lis Beck, der havde et ønske om at designe accessories til kvinder, som elsker at have humoristiske og personlige designs i garderoben sæson efter sæson. Indenfor kort tid blev brandet anerkendt for sine farver, kontraster og unikke prints.'


Becksöndergaard blev grundlagt med en passioneret tro på at kvinder altid bør klæde sig på med et personligt anstrøg. Brandet har en legesyg og uhøjtidelig tilgang til farver og materialer, samtidig med at det er tro mod sine skandinaviske rødder. Vi skaber designs, som man holder af, som overrasker og som altid sætter prikken over i’et uanset begivenheden.


Becksöndergaards karakteristika er lige så reelle som vores designs:


Seasons and trends may come and go, but colours are a constant at Becksöndergaard. We like to think of ourselves as a one stop candy shop:
here, you can get what your heart desires.


Mischief takes centre stage at Becksöndergaard, where we have a straightforward approach to design and creativity. We never take ourselves
too serious and neither should our products be.


With a rebellious hint, we are constantly looking for that element of surprise. May it be in how we design, how we meet our customers or how our products can be used. Thus, fashion trends and rules are acknowledged, but also continuously challenged.


With a rebellious hint, we are constantly looking for that element of surprise. May it be in how we design, how we meet our customers or how our products can be used. Thus, fashion trends and rules are acknowledged, but also continuously challenged.


Mischief takes centre stage at Becksöndergaard, where we have a straightforward approach to design and creativity. We never take ourselves too serious and neither should our products be.


Seasons and trends may come and go, but colours are a constant at Becksöndergaard. We like to think of ourselves as a one stop candy shop: here, you can get what your heart desires.